Nurse's Office

Sondra Richard, RN

Office: (631 )472-6100 ext: 2050 Fax: (631 )472-6110


Welcome to Blue Point Elementary! I'm Ms. Richard, the 
School Nurse! 


I am here to take care of your child's health needs while they are away from you during the day. Please use the links provided to access health office information, forms, policies and guidelines. Please don't hesitate to call or email with any other questions that you may have.  
Stay healthy 



New York State mandates that all Kindergarteners, 1st, 3rd and 5th graders, and new entrants submit a physical exam. Acceptable physical exams are administered not more than 12 months prior to the commencement of the school year in which they are required. If you are unable to obtain a physical for your child, they can be examined by our school physician, Dr. Donatelli. The examination will take place in my health office.


New York State mandates vaccinations for all children without medical exemptions. These mandates are updated every school year. Please see the NYS Immunization requirements in the link drop down for the most current information. When your child receives vaccines please submit an immunization record to the nurse's office. 


On June 13, 2019, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation removing non-medical exemptions from school vaccinations against measles and other diseases to attend Bayport-Blue Point Schools or district run programs.

The New York State Department of Health follows the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Catch-up Immunization Schedule and expects children to receive required doses consistent with Table 2, which can be found on the third page of the following link:


Health Screenings

New York State mandates Kindergarten students and all new entrants be screened for color perception, near vision, distance vision, and hearing. Additional vision screening is required in grades 1, 3, and 5; additional hearing screening is required in grades 1, 3, and 5. All 5th grade girls are screened for scoliosis. If you suspect a problem please don't hesitate to contact me so we can evaluate your child. If I have a concern about any of the above screenings, I will contact you and request further evaluation. 


If a student becomes ill at school, I will contact parents in the order in which they are listed in E-school. If I am unable to make contact with a parent, I will contact a person from the Emergency contact list. Please be sure to keep these numbers updated. We request that students who are too ill benefit from instruction be kept home until they are well enough to return to school. We further request that students remain home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications. For the school setting, a fever is defined as 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. If a student is being treated for a bacterial infection such as strep throat or pink eye, they must be on antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours before returning to school. 


Medication in School

Children requiring medication during the school day must have parental/guardian permission and a doctor's order. This includes all medication including over the counter medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, cough medicine, antacids, cough drops, etc. An adult must bring the medication to the nurse's office in its original container.  For your child's safety and the other students, your child should not carry any medications or self-medicate.

For asthma students: we have a school nebulizer, please just send in the orders, permission form, medication, mask, and tubing. 


Injury/Gym/Recess Notes

If your child is injured and may not participate In PE, I will need a note from their physician, stating the nature of the injury and the date they can return to play. Students will not participate in outdoor recess when they are sitting out of PE. 


Head Lice (Pediculosis)

Our district has a no-nit policy. That means that a child needs to be free of all active lice and any nits (lice eggs) before he/she can return to school. On return to school you will be asked to accompany your child to the health office. I will screen your child for any lice or nits. If any lice or nits are discovered, your child will be sent back home with you. 



